Continue reading →: Prepare For War.
We need to be ready for War, but we’re not. The general public has no idea how to prepare adequately and all hell will break loose. Look after you and yours!
Continue reading →: Finding Joy During War.
Is it just me, or is the world actually burning? We are living in a time like no other. We’ve survived a global pandemic, during which the world shut itself down and we complied with what felt like house arrest for roughly two years. We left the largest and safest…
Continue reading →: Victory Or Death?
Is there anything wrong with fighting? It’s in our DNA after all and it has enabled the human race to survive all these years.
Continue reading →: Do You Dare To Dream?
Do you dream? If you’re a dreamer, like me, then you’re probably used to waking up to the vivid recall of incredible experiences – everything from a new work project to amazing sex with a stranger… all whilst you were sleeping.
Continue reading →: Do You Believe In Magick?
Magick – with a ‘k’ – is real and we have Faeries in our home. Yes, you might think me crazy. But, I have physical evidence that Faeries exist.