Do you dream? If you’re a dreamer, like me, then you’re probably used to waking up to the vivid recall of incredible experiences – everything from a new work project to amazing sex with a stranger… all whilst you were sleeping. And yes, I have had orgasms in my sleep.
But, you might be surprised to learn that not everyone dreams, or at least, not that they remember. Dreaming is super important for the brain, as it helps us to learn, process, grow, and heal. Not everyone experiences dreaming in the same way and for many, like my wife, people wake up with little-to-no reflection of the night before.
I’ve been a massive dreamer for as long as I can remember. And, I have the ability to affect change in my dreams, even whilst asleep. This may sound odd, but do bear with me.
Firstly, I dream in full sound and colour, which not everyone does. My dreams literally play out like I’m watching, or in, a Hollywood movie! Great, right?
Secondly, I’m able to wake up, pee, go back to bed and slip straight back into the same dream. I pick up where I left off.
Third, I have the ability to pause, rewind, and replay scenes within my dreams, as well as go back and change how they play out, so that circumstances or the endings are different. I am the director of my own movie. I sometimes wake up and tell my wife that last night’s dream would make an awesome screenplay! Hence, the need to keep writing and eventually submit work to publishers.
Fourth, I make notes the next day. I record my dreams and then look up potential meanings – and there have been some significant ones… ever been visited by a blue owl?
In a dream a couple of weeks ago, a Faerie came to visit me. He was flying in the doorway to my living room [in the dream] and then shape-shifted from his tiny self, into a large, half-bug-half-human creature who sat on an armchair. He was grumpy, and kicked off his shoes in front of the unlit fireplace.
The house quickly transformed from my own home, to an old country manor-style house and on the living room floor next to the sofa, were two much smaller Faeries with big colourful bows for wings. They were chit-chatting to each other quietly whilst the big-bug-like Faerie and I had a conversation.
I cannot recall the detail of our chat, but I do remember that he was grumpy. I believe it was because he had been squished into a much smaller version of himself and it felt uncomfortable. The dream was quickly over, but as vivid as many others I’ve had. This however, was the first Faerie in my dreams!
I love to dream, although I have had many horrific ones. Have you ever been in a nightmare, and you come to realise that you’re in a dream, and so you fight to get out? Only you have to fight through several ‘layers’ in order to finally wake up! It’s happened to me many times and there have been times when I’ve finally woken up, but screaming.
I wouldn’t change it though. I’d rather deal with the horrible and frightening dreams in order to also experience the amazing ones. The ones where Magick finds me, I’m on an adventure, or I have great sex!
I’ve recently invested in a new Dream Journal. It needs to live next to my bed so that I can record my dreams as soon as I wake up. I have a Dream Dictionary and I look stuff up online – although this can lead to confusion as so many people and ‘experts’ have their own opinion or interpretation. For me, I do the research, but also look at what’s going on in my life, what challenges and opportunities there are, and also, what questions I might need answered at the time. Pulling all of this together then provides me with a clearer idea as to what the dream meant and I can then incorporate messages into my life.
So, do you dare to dream? I certainly do! The pros outweigh the cons and you just never know when a message might come for you… or a Faerie might drop in for a visit.