Do You Believe In Magick?

Magic, or Magick?

Magic (with no ‘k’) refers to the kind of magic we’re all used to seeing on stage or TV. You know, pulling rabbits out of hats and making doves disappear and then reappear – that kind of stuff.

Magick (with a ‘k’) is where sh!t gets real.

Magick is the practice of witchcraft, and yes, there are male witches. The title is not reserved for women only. I am a Witch, and very proud of it. I practice witchcraft, along with my wife and our eldest child. We have family members and close friends who also practice and we’re slowly pulling together a Magick Circle. Eventually, we’ll have a Coven, and an entire Grimoire to pass down to younger members.

Whilst the practicing of witchcraft is relatively new to me, spirituality, is not. It is something I have felt and been aware of since I was quite young, and this was compounded by my dedication to Martial Arts. Meditation, and the mindful repetition of Kata connects mind, body, and spirit, and there’s a greater understanding of ‘self’ as one evolves through the process of earning grades or belts.

It took many years and a lot of trauma for my wife and I to finally lean into Magickal practice. It’s something we had talked about for some time, but there was a final lightbulb moment where we decided that this was the way forward for us, and our family. And, we haven’t looked back.

We’ve cast circles, performed rituals and spells, and celebrated Sabbats and Esbats. Our spells have been effective – especially a ‘freezer spell’ which banished certain people from our lives who were causing us harm. Mostly, we perform spells to bring peace and prosperity to our lives. We don’t seek to cause harm to others, and we do an awful lot of protection work – because the world is a dark and dangerous place.

A few months ago, my wife was handling her Tarot cards – a Faerie pack that I’d bought her. We believe it was this that opened a gateway or thinned a veil to enable Faeries to come into our home… and they’re still here! These few months sure have been interesting. We’ve had things go missing, and later reappear. We’ve heard whispers and giggles. We see them on our Ring camera, and have recorded video and saved images.

It has taken some time to get used to living with Faeries. We’ve had to have words regarding disturbing our youngest daughter at night, but have come to an understanding, and they can play with her in the day. Our youngest daughter can actually see them, in the day, as well as at night, and calls them ‘butterflies’.

We’ve created a Faerie Altar at home, which contains all kinds of pretty, sparkly, and personal things, gifts for the Fae, a thimble and small plate for ‘cakes and ale’ – sometimes this is wine, or cider, or even moon water; and we share some of the food we’re eating on any given Esbat or Sabbat.

I’ve always believed in Magick, but now I’ve seen it with my own eyes. Yes, you might think me crazy. But, I have physical evidence that Faeries exist. Zip-zapping around the room – lots of them! All caught on video. The still image I’ve shared here is from a video of a Faerie that emerged and flew towards the camera, span in the air, then flew off. You can make out the shape of her hair, head, body, and her feet pointing downwards. In the video, you can see her wingspan, and then watch as she wraps her wings around her enters into a huge spin, before emerging again. It truly is fascinating, and a blessing.

We have watched a lot of Faerie footage! We’re utterly awestruck and have been learning more about the Fae and how to work with them. My wife has always had an extreme interest in Faeries and felt drawn to them… and now we understand why. They are real, and we can interact with them. I personally love Elves – a type of Fae – and Dragons! I have Dragons on my Altar and they feature in my Oracle Cards.

It is my plan to discuss Magick in more detail as time goes on. But, for now, I’m busy working on my own practice, creating a personal Book of Shadows and working through some deep Shadow Work sh!t. There’s a lot to wade through. I’m in my 40s, and a lot has happened over the years – some of it bad, and ugly. A great deal of healing needs to take place, as well as self-love, personal care, and alone time to help me process everything.

I feel muddled, messy and like I’m on the verge of either a breakdown, or a breakthrough. I’m hoping it’s the latter. These last few years have been really, really hard work. And I’m re-visiting myself, who I am, and who and what I want to be. I’ve been and done the corporate thing, the self-employed thing, and the ultra giving and hard-working thing… it’s bullshit. I’m taking back my time, energy, and focus – what do I want to achieve as a result?

I want to write. And I want to develop my Magickal practice. And so long as my family are safe and well, I can pursue this to my heart’s content. We have just enough money coming in to cover the bills and to get by. Hopefully, my writing will lead to bigger and better things… and I can draw upon Magick to make it all happen.

So Mote It Be.

D. L. Lorrentz.


I’ve been writing my whole life, but finally now I’m on the path to becoming an Author. From the dreams I’ve had to real life experiences, my stories and books will cover a wide range of topics – and nothing is off the table.

I aim also to uncover hidden truths, in a journalistic fashion, as well as tell the stories of those who cannot do so for themselves. Injustice is never ok, and so I’ll discuss my thoughts and feelings as certain news stories emerge.

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03/03/25 – Unlikely Friends – A pair of unlikely friends. Where and how did they meet? And what is their connection?



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